Dental Designs by Drs. Newman, Tam, and Assoc.
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Monday–Wednesday 8 am–5 pm
Thursday 8 am- 5 pm | Friday 7 am–2 pm


Veneers in Virginia Beach

Ask the dentists at Dental Designs, DDS & Assoc. in Virginia Beach, Virginia, to apply ultra-thin veneers to cover discolored or misshapen teeth. Cosmetic veneers bond permanently to the front of your teeth to enhance your smile.

Dental Veneers

Our family dentists can work wonders on your teeth with veneers. Made from tooth-colored porcelain or resin, teeth veneers are very thin shells that we apply to the front of your teeth to improve the appearance. Cosmetic veneers:

• Close the Spaces between Teeth
• Disguise Chipped, Damaged & Worn Teeth
• Camouflage Teeth That Are out of Alignment
• Hide Teeth with Irregular Shapes
• Cover Discolored Teeth, Thus Instantly Whitening Your Smile!

Applying Veneers

Expect your cosmetic veneers to require three appointments to David L. Jones, DDS & Assoc. in Virginia Beach, Virginia. First, expect a consultation and examination, followed by appointments for making and applying veneers. Tell our dentists what you hope dental veneers will do for your smile.

Veneers in Virginia Beach

Cosmetic Veneers

To start the process off, our dentists take a little bit of enamel off your tooth-an amount that approximates the thickness of the dental veneers. Now, it is time to make models and impressions to send to a dental lab, which returns your custom veneers within a week or two.

Veneers for Teeth

Once your cosmetic veneers come back from the lab, we ready your teeth for applying veneers. This requires our dentists to check the fit and color of the veneers against your tooth.

We achieve the perfect shape by trimming, and then we rough up your tooth so the cement bonds strongly to your tooth. The cement we choose matches the color of your teeth so your veneers look natural.

Shining a light on your veneers helps the bonding quickens and strengthens the bonding process. We clean up any extra cement and check the fit and your bite. After that, we ask you to return to our office in a couple of weeks to make sure you are happy with your cosmetic veneers!

Contact us today for cosmetic veneers that cover flaws your teeth may have. Our office in Virginia Beach boasts nearly 30 years of experience! We proudly serve Virginia Beach, Pungo, Oceana, Sandbridge, Red Mill, Strawbridge and Court House, Virginia.

* No Prep Veneers