Dental Designs by Drs. Newman, Tam, and Assoc.
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Thursday 8 am- 5 pm | Friday 7 am–2 pm


Invisalign® in Virginia Beach

When you want to begin the process of straightening your teeth but you don’t want to rely on painful metal braces, we have the answer to your problem. At our dental practice, we are proud to offer outstanding deals on clear braces from Invisalign®. These invisible braces are just what you need for a discreet and pain-free teeth straightening process. No one but you and your dentist will know that you are wearing braces to make your teeth straight.

All dentists agree that straight teeth are healthy teeth. When your teeth overlap or possess gaps, you can be at risk for a decrease in overall dental health. These gaps and overlapping teeth don’t promote good oral hygiene because they are more apt to keep food trapped, causing decay and bacteria buildup. Straight teeth also aid chewing and help to keep your gums from getting infected.

In addition to building up your dental health, our clear braces will also give you the self-confidence that you have been lacking because you are self-conscious about your smile. Once you have completed your teeth straightening journey with us, you will never stop smiling.

Choose Clear Braces over Traditional Metal Ones

Invisalign braces have the clear advantage over outdated metal braces. Besides needing less adjusting, clear braces from Invisalign offer a much less painful alternative to traditional metal braces. Some of the key advantages that our Invisalign braces have over metal and wire braces include the following:

• No Wires Required for Comfortable Teeth Straightening
• Clear Braces with Trays No One Can See
• Convenient—Just Exchange Trays Every 2 Weeks
• Cutting Edge—The Latest Technology in Braces

Schedule a Consultation for Teeth Straightening

Make an appointment with our friendly staff when you are ready to discuss your teeth straightening options with Invisalign. As your local Invisalign provider, we have undergone rigorous training and professional education to meet the high standards set by Invisalign. During your free initial consultation, we will discuss all of the aspects of clear braces, and we will show you what to expect from using and living with the innovative Invisalign product.

Once you have met with our dentist during the initial consultation, we will schedule an appointment for X-rays. In addition to taking X-rays and the necessary images of your teeth, we will also take the impressions that are needed to create a 3-D image for Invisalign. After we have made this 3-D image, we can begin working out the right plan and schedule that you need to meet your teeth straightening goals.

Woman With Straight Teeth and Invisalign
Based on the 3-D image that we created, we can then design and create custom plastic teeth aligners made specifically to fit the contours of your teeth and gums. Made from BPA-free plastic materials, these invisible braces act as safe and comfortable trays for your teeth. In order to gently move your teeth into the desired position over time, we change these invisible trays out every two weeks. This way, your teeth will ease painlessly into their new alignment without the use of metal brackets, braces, or wires.

Continued Care for Your Invisible Braces

After you begin the teeth straightening process with our Invisalign clear braces, you will need to come in for an office visit once every six weeks. These checkups are important to your continued care because they allow the dentist to review your teeth’s progress. Because the traditional timeframe for invisible braces is usually one year, we like to keep checking the process to make sure everything happens at the right pace. This one-year timeframe is much shorter than traditional metal braces.

At our dental practice, we advise all of our Invisalign patients to wear their clear braces for 20 to 22 hours each day. Invisible braces are more convenient than metal and wire ones, but they still require a commitment. Since they are made from flexible plastic components, your trays are removable. You can take them out while you eat, brush, and floss your teeth. These comfortable, affordable, and invisible braces are exactly what you need to start enjoying a strong, bright smile.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation about using Invisalign braces for teeth straightening. We proudly serve Virginia Beach, Pungo, Oceana, Sandbridge, Red Mill, Strawbridge and Court House, Virginia.