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Thursday 8 am- 5 pm | Friday 7 am–2 pm

Bonding Service

Bonding in Virginia Beach

Bonding is a quick and painless way to improve the appearance and function of your teeth. Our dentists know the newest techniques and employ the latest technology for dental bonding with results that look natural. Restore the confidence to your smile with this affordable and effective dental option.

Improve Your Smile with Dental Bonding

Our family dentists recommend the simple and inexpensive procedure of bonding for its cosmetic appeal, as well as the improved function of your teeth. Composite bonding easily improves the appearance and health of your smile by all of the following:

• Reshapes Teeth
• May Not Require Anesthetic
• Requires Only 1 Dental Appointment
• Removes Only a Tiny Bit of Tooth Enamel
• Covers Discoloration
• Closes Spaces Between Teeth
• Protects Tooth Roots Exposed by Receding Gums
• Repairs Chipped, Broken, Damaged or Decayed Teeth

Tooth Bonding in Virginia Beach

Why Choose Composite Bonding over Other Procedures?

We recommend tooth bonding for our patients who want to correct small cosmetic flaws. This procedure effectively changes the appearance of teeth, usually with just one visit.

As our dentists perform the procedure here in our office, you do not have to wait for materials to come back from the lab. We remove the smallest bit of enamel, just the width of the bonded resin itself. Preserving as much of your natural tooth as possible is always in the best interests of your dental health.

Bonding is less expensive than some other dental options, such as having dental veneers, crowns, or fillings put in, so it is easier for many patients to afford. This advanced procedure bonds resin to your tooth in the color and shape you desire. It is a simple procedure that enhances your smile in a short amount of time using advanced dentistry.


Consult with Our Dentists before Tooth Bonding

The first step in any dental procedure is a consultation. Our dentists take the time to talk to you about a flaw which you would like corrected, as well as any dental health issues or budget concerns you may have. After this, we examine your teeth to see if tooth bonding is the best option for you. Once it is determined that dental bonding is right for you, we schedule your appointment.
Spend less than an hour at our dentists’ office for dental tooth bonding. Very little preparation is necessary. For the most part, you may not require an anesthetic. Expect the entire composite bonding procedure to take from 30 minutes to one hour per tooth.

What Happens During Dental Bonding?

First, our dentists chose the color of composite resin that matches your natural teeth. To help the composite bonding material adhere, we rough up the tooth's surface and apply a liquid conditioner. We then place, mold, and smooth tooth-colored resin on your teeth to correct the imperfection and harden it with an ultraviolet light. Our dentists trim and shape the resin, and then polish it so it looks just like your real teeth.

Treat Dental Bonded Teeth Like Real Teeth

Once the tooth bonding procedure is complete, treat your dental bond just like your other teeth. Brush twice a day, floss once, and visit the dentists at our office twice a year for cleaning and checkups.

We recommend that you avoid chewing on ice, hard candy, and hard foods, and not bite your fingernails as these habits could chip your dental bond. With proper care, tooth bonding should last for years and give you countless opportunities to enjoy your smile.

Contact us today for quick and easy composite bonding in Virginia Beach to enhance the appearance of your teeth. We proudly serve Virginia Beach, Pungo, Oceana, Sandbridge, Red Mill, Strawbridge and Court House, Virginia.